Monday 16 July 2018

Odds and Sods - June 2018

This year is flying past and I'm typing up June's post already (albeit in the middle of July!) - it seems that January and February hung around forever but, since then, everything has been on fast forward.

I finished college - which was bittersweet.  I was glad to get it all done - especially the stresses of exams - but also really sad to leave my college pals, although I think we'll keep in touch and I'm sure we'll be bumping into each other at various garden visits.

This photo was taken minutes before I handed it in for the last time.  I won't know until October if I've passed the practical element of my course and I should hear at the beginning of September if I've passed the theory.  If I've passed both, then I'll have letters after my name!

This is just a small selection of the reading materials and files I've used over the past couple of years - I've put them away for now, although they are easily retrieveable if I need them for resits next year.   I will read them for pleasure one day but I'm not quite ready yet.

The blossom this year was breathtaking and, luckily, I had my camera with me one evening while walking Finn so I could capture this over the park.

I've got a new roof - for the past few years I've had a hole in the roof which meant that every time it rained for a prolonged period of time at a particular angle, water would come through my landing ceiling and all the wall paper is hanging off the walls.  Sod's law though ..... since the roof was replaced mid June, we've had no rain so I still don't know if I'm watertight!   I've always been really torn about rain - as a gardener, I've been desperate for rain for the garden, but, as a home owner with a holey roof, I've wanted it to remain dry!   

The weight loss is a bit patchy now - two steps forward, one step back, etc.   I'm about halfway on my weight loss progress but am already in a different dress size which is good news, although not for my bank balance!

It has been so ridiculously hot for months now that Finn and I struggle to keep cool - and our walks now take place really late in the evening.  The pavements are too hot for Finn's paws and I get a bit grumpy too - I really should be living somewhere cold, I'm not meant for temperatures in the high twenties!

I haven't even been spending that much time in the garden as it's been so hot and, because my studies have finished also, I'm spending a lot of time indoors knitting - I can't believe how productive I've been!

So that's June - we've been out and about a lot and more individual posts to follow - probably about November!!

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