Sunday 22 July 2018

Seeds and Stuff - June 2018

As I type this (22 July), I can report we've had no rain since the beginning of June - I've been keeping tabs and we certainly haven't had any since work started on the roof on 8 June.  So my garden is looking parched and very sad indeed.  I've always said that if shrubs cannot fend for themselves in my garden, then they have no place here - and I still haven't succumbed to watering, except for the veggies, so I think I may very well lose some this year.   I do a little rain dance every morning in the back garden - god knows what the neighbours think! - but so far, nothing.  

But it's beautiful and we've been so lucky this year - nothing has been cancelled due to bad weather, and it's just glorious.   We're very lucky.
But as can be seen from these photos, there's no vibrancy this year - everything's looking a bit tired out there.  
I will have to remember this when the weather turns and I start moaning about there being too much rain!

However, the Mesembryanthemum are doing spectacularly well due to all the sunshine - they are loving it and are spreading everywhere which is fab.
I have never seen them putting on such a wonderful show of colour.
Auntie June's Hebe is suffering a little bit from lack of water as it didn't flower for as long as usual this year - I will definitely need to keep an eye on it as that is one plant I really do not want to lose.

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