Friday 13 July 2018

Made or Grown - June 2018

Hopeless, absolutely hopeless!  Only a handful of photos again, although June started ok, as I did manage to get a photo on the 1st!

1 June - lovely evening out with Shannon, Tom and Amy who had travelled up from London for the day.   Wore my Tilly and the Buttons blouse to celebrate!

19 June - exams day.   Wore my pink trousers to cheer myself up!

22 June - home grown strawberries.

23 June - home grown mint in my gin and tonic!

24 June - mint tea.

25 June - mint tea.
27 June - it's quite difficult to make mint tea look interesting every day!

28 June - mint tea again!

So that's it - as I said above, absolutely hopeless!

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