Thursday 11 October 2018

Made or Grown - September 2018

Hopeless, absolutely hopeless!  It might have been better if I hadn't gone on holiday, but giving that up was never going to happen!   I went away the second weekend in September, otherwise I might have made more progress, but, as it was, I've just been wearing walking clothes and eating carbs!

2 September 2018 - I did dig up some of my spuds before my holiday and also my first courgette was ready - here they are with sausages for my tea.

9 September 2018 - my Physalis peruviana hasn't given me much fruit, but some, and it's just so beautifully sweet, a proper treat.  I really must email and thank Roger from college who provided me with the plants for these - I'm definitely going to grow these again.

13 September 2018 - the temperature got a bit fresher in September, so I'm back to cardis - this one over my dress which I still haven't ironed!

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