Friday 16 November 2018

Odds and Sods - October 2018

Since getting back from my holiday, it hasn't taken long to get back into the swing of normal things and everything now seems to be about Christmas preparation and hunkering down for the winter.  I've done lots of knitting - I mean LOTS - there'll be no IOUs this year, that's for sure!

I'm considering becoming a mill member for the John Arbon textile mill down in Devon and I have gone so far as to get a colour chart to make my choices for knitting projects next year!

On the lead up to my holiday, I was still in bare legs and short sleeves to go to work, but, since getting back, it's all been about coloured tights, and I've been trying to blend in with the fallen leaves and the autumn colours!

Finn and I have definitely been spending a lot of time snuggled up together, trying to keep warm - and I've been spending a fair amount of time sitting behind the sofa with him trying to keep him calm when the bloody fireworks have been going off.  I swear we get more of them every year, poor little man.

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