Sunday 9 June 2019

Odds and Sods - May 2019

May is the month when I start foraging - this is the beech leaf gin which has been steeping for a few weeks - since the beginning of June, the leaves have been strained off, and I've mixed the gin with the brandy and sugar syrup - it should be ready in August.

Since I finished Nan's quilt, I've been experimenting with some charm pack squares - we've signed up to have a table at a craft fair near Christmas, so I'm playing around with some play mat ideas.

Dad's cardigan is coming along nicely - everything is knitted up now, I just need to summon up the enthusiasm to sew it up!

This is a baby blanket, also for the craft fair in November.

Oh.   This was a neck warmer for the craft fair, but it's a definite reject - not enough contrast in colour and a bit scratchy too.   But all good practice.

This is actually a birthday present for Shannon - strawberries!   I'm just hoping I manage to get them to her in June before the slugs eat them all!

Finn hasn't been so well towards the end of the month - the vet has diagnosed arthritis in the spine and neck, but we've got some miracle drugs for him and he's running around like a puppy again, albeit with longer recovery times!

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