Saturday 22 June 2019

Other People's Gardens - May 2019

Ah, Myosotis sylvatica.  Forget-me-nots.  They're so beautiful when they're in flower, but as soon as they start going over and setting seed, they're such a mess.  This photo shows an entire brown bin filled with them!

It's the time of year for emptying out all last year's produce and getting the beds ready for this year - which is what's happening here.   Veg beds being emptied and the soil being turned.

And this is what you look like after a day turning veg beds!!

How I love Aquilegias.  I'm going to be very cheeky this year and ask my customers if I could have the odd seed head of some of these as they are just beautiful - I have real Aquilegia envy!

I do love when I have company when I'm working.

This is another new garden which I'm really enjoying - again, emptying out veg and strawberry beds - the soil was lovely to work and everything came out really easily.

And this is what I looked like after a couple of hours in this garden!

The grass is coming on really beautifully - it's even more lush now and I really do need to take some more photos.  I have bought myself The Lawn Expert book to do some more research on this garden and am even contemplating booking myself on a lawn-specific course.

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