Monday 20 January 2020

Odds and Sods - December 2019

I made a number of Christmas presents - as always - and didn't get stressed or anything!

This is my Dad's cardi - for some reason, I've got no pictures of it finished!

And this is Mum's jumper.  Super pleased as it's the first thing I've made "in the round" with no seams - I think this may be the way forward!

The Christmas decs went up the week before Christmas - quite late this year - and this beautiful creation was made by my friend, Elle, who is very very talented!

My RHS diploma finally arrived, so long after the event that I had forgotten all about it.

Andy bought me another beautiful troll bead for my bracelet, which was a lovely surprise as I received it in the post the week before he arrived.   We had a good weekend - plenty of relaxing and ending with a meal out with Mum and Dad - Mum won an eye patch in her Christmas cracker which was even funnier when she had it on underneath her specs!

Amanda came to help me choose a new 'phone as I had dropped mine one time too many - so we bunked off and had a wander around the city in my (extra long) lunch break - naughty!

Andy and I bought Dad a garden chair for Christmas which he took over to Shannon and Tom's for Christmas Day - it has an integral table where he balanced his sherry - how civilised!

We spent Boxing Day over at Mum and Dad's and nothing much of what took place that day makes any sense at all - as usual!

In the week between Christmas and New Year, I finished my temperature blanket which is currently adorning the spare bed.  (It's a bit mussed up as I've discovered that Finn takes himself off to sleep on that bed at night while I'm asleep!)

Speaking of Finn ….. what a sweetheart!

And this photo really makes me laugh - I received it on Christmas Day from my friend Viv - she clearly loves the hat I made her!

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