Sunday 5 January 2020

Odds and Sods - November 2019

November was mainly about Christmas prep and craft fair prep, but also trips down to the west country.

Shannon and I went to the Ely Cathedral Christmas craft fair, and, although we weren't too successful with our gift shopping, we had a lovely day anyway!

I learnt a new knitting technique - I made a jumper in the round.  More photos to follow of the finished article, but this was made with hand dyed yarn from Shannon - a lovely colourway called Cherry Blossom which I matched up with some Stylecraft.  Very pleased with my efforts and this won't be my only seamless jumper.

Mum and I went to Bury St Edmunds Christmas fair where I had a more successful shopping trip.   It was incredibly busy and blinking cold, but we're already planning to go next year.

This beautiful painting - wildflowers and wellies - was a lovely gift from my friend Tracey and her family - it's currently with Mum waiting to be framed, as Mum is much better at these things than I am!

Mum, Amanda and I had a cold day out in Wells for even MORE shopping - another very successful trip and the most amazing Welsh Rarebit in one of the seaside's little bistros.  I'll definitely be going back there again!

And this was our stall at the aforementioned craft fair - we did reasonably well but I do feel that people don't really know the value of the things we make.  It can take me a week to make a pair of fair isle mittens so I get slightly miffed when people don't want to pay £12.50 for them!!  That barely covers the price of the wool.  Hey ho.  (I gifted some mittens to friends for Christmas and know that they are hugely appreciated by people who know how much work - and love - goes into these. That's all the reward I need.)

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