Friday 24 January 2020

Seeds and Stuff - December 2019

As I type this, I've had some sad news from the City Council operative I met outside my house today - which has also sort of inspired me when it comes to seed sowing and taking cuttings this year.  The lovely old tree on the grass verge in front of my house has a fungal disease and may have to be chopped down.  I live on a main road leading into the city but due to that tree, plus the three I have in my front garden which I have allowed to grow up and out, I can sort of forget that I live in the city, I can pretend that I live in the country.  However, without that birch, I will be able to see straight over to an industrial estate which, to add insult to injury, is currently experiencing some more building work - a huge steel framework going up for a car showroom.  So sad.   I will need to have a think about how I can disguise the noise and view.   

Anyhow, enough of that.   I am excited to report that I have got tonnes of tomato and leek seedlings springing up in seed trays dotted around the house - this year, I've brought them into the warm instead of leaving them to languish in the outhouse.  And I think that might be why the seedlings look so much healthier, not so etiolated and leggy as in previous years.  Hurrah!

In December, no seed sowing took place but I'm still harvesting - spuds!  Pink fir apples to be precise.  I bloody love potatoes!!

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