Monday 26 October 2020

Westonbirt Arboretum

 I guess the bonus of not uploading my photos for two years is being able to remember lovely times with Finn and having all these wonderful memories.   

Finn and I had an anxiety-provoking visit to Westonbirt - we had a week down at the caravan in the August school holidays and it was heaving.  Trying to get Finn through the entry gates made me wonder about the sense of taking him somewhere there were so many people, but, once through the gate, there was so much space to walk around in, that things soon improved. 

We had a wonderful day and Finn was able to run around like a mad thing and he played with other dogs too which was always lovely to see.   I think it must have been a really hot summer - the grass looks so brown and dry.   

Another fab day with my boy.  We met a lovely lady as we went in who was walking her dog and she told me I should go back out of school holidays as it was so much quieter - she certainly made me feel better about trying to get Finn through the gates when he was making such a fuss!   That, I DON'T miss!  

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