Saturday 13 March 2021

Odds and Sods - February 2021

 Predictably, life just revolves around Domino currently, hence all the photos,  We're still in lockdown so can't get out and about.  Thank goodness for a puppy to provide my entertainment!

Amanda is also providing me with entertainment - as we formed a household back in the autumn, we can legitimately stay at each other's and her endless wrestling with Domino provides much light relief, and gives me a break from him!

We did have an issue with flowerpots - he kept bringing them in from the garden,  To be honest, I didn't realise I had that many languishing plantless outside, but this seems to have stopped now so I can only assume he's found them all!  I have to admire his commitment to this, especially the fact he can negotiate his way from the garden, through the outhouse and the kitchen, and into the living room without being able to see a thing!

Apart from the state of my floor, this photo really makes me laugh.  This was the first time that Domino wore his harness.   He lay prone for fully TEN MINUTES!  He clearly was not happy about the situation, but we have made progress since then, and he's only a little bit bitey now when he's being strapped into it!


He can certainly be quite cute when he wants to be!

I finished the string of mini gansey bunting for my god daughter's birthday - so pleasing to use up scraps of wool which would otherwise have never been used up.

We've had a lot of weather, so the cold and the snow gave me extra excuses to stay indoors.

I received this lovely hat in the post from Sheila (godmother and cousin) - what a lovely surprise, and just what is needed when the wind's blowing.  Sheila also sent me - in another parcel - some lovely fruity teabags.  All these things are conspiring to keep me indoors!

On the very rare occasions the weather was ok, I took advantage and went for a walk.  This is my favourite out at Hockering and Mattishall.  Domino is still too little for big walks - we can currently go out for twenty-five minutes only at a time, but I'm looking forward to the time when he can come and do this walk with me

This is my February make - I managed to get this monthly make finished on the very last day of February - phew!

And I snuck in a few of these little squares towards my March make, before I decided I didn't like them and discarded them!   

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