Monday 16 September 2013

Hevingham #2

Two weeks after our first foray into the world of trailer tent camping, we were back - Mum and Dad trusted Amanda and I sufficiently enough to let us fly solo this time.  The plan was that we would pick up the trailer from North Walsham on Saturday and get it back there on Monday and Mum and Dad wouldn't need to be involved at all.  However, we forgot to take a spanner with us and I didn't have a spanner attachment on my swiss army knife - a massive failing to discover! - so we had to ring them up to come over on the Monday morning so we could take it all down!   I can't remember how we managed to put it up without the spanner though?  Magic maybe. 
The weather was a bit more changeable this time and we did spend more time inside - we very naturally gravitated towards our own side of the trailer - it's made up of two double beds so Finn and I took one side, and Amanda and Sid took the other.  Amanda's side looked like the inside of a Mongolian yurt - with blankets, cushions and fleeces!   In all the inside photos too, there is a lot of wool in evidence!
Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny, but we had a bit of a downpour on Sunday afternoon - which was an excellent excuse to dash back into the trailer tent for a siesta!
Another fab weekend, but probably the last camping weekend of 2013.   It did turn very cold overnight and we were very glad of the extra fleeces and sleeping bags.   When we dropped the trailer tent back at Mum and Dad's, they did mention that they booked electric hook up and took a little heater with them. Might be an idea for when we get back from our holiday in October - serious consideration needed though, especially given that it'll probably be dark about six in the evening!  

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