Monday 2 September 2013


About a week before the August bank holiday, Amanda decided we should go camping for the weekend.  This did somewhat fill me with despair - how on earth would we find a tent big enough to take us two plus the dogs?; and where would we find a campsite that wouldn't charge the earth, bearing in mind Bank Holidays are always really busy and very expensive?   Mum and Dad stepped into the breach and let us use their trailer tent, which filled me with more misgivings - I've never towed anything in my life!  And then the lovely Sarah at Hevingham Lakes said we could have a pitch for just twenty quid for the weekend.  All set then!  Oh, and then Marti said she'd like to come along too and then Mum and Dad invited themselves along for a barbecue.   So much for a quiet weekend!  

We had a barbecue on the Saturday evening also and got through half of our wine supply.   We lit the citronella candles and, for once, I didn't get any mossie bites.  Hurrah!  

Sunday dawned fine and sunny - and we had a lovely day doing not very much really.  Quick trip to Aylsham (three miles up the road) to get another disposable barbecue and enough food for all of us; sitting around reading the Sunday papers; taking the dogs for a walk through the woods and over the heath; giving Finn a bath because he rolled in something disgusting; and then Mum and Dad turned up for a barbecue.  

Monday came round far too quickly for our liking.  We had to wait around for Mum and Dad to come and supervise the taking down of the trailer tent.  But I think we did a good job of doing it on our own - so much so that Dad has said we can borrow it again.  Hurrah!

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