Sunday 20 April 2014


Nothing shouts "Spring" quite like daffodils - signs that things are springing into life and everything's getting green again.  I think that Spring is probably my most favourite season - it's a sign of good things to come - a time to start getting in the garden to tidy up before all the plants start putting on their finery, a time to sow the salad veg seeds ready for barbecues in the summer, a sign that it's getting warmer and we'll soon be able to ditch the tights and winter coats!  

Nothing like a lovely splash of yellow to put some joy into your heart.  And daffodils are so cheap!   Driving along the country lanes to Mum and Dad's, there are hundreds of stalls outside people's houses, or in field openings by the side of the road where you can buy them.

This is not to say that I don't grow them in my own garden, of course.  But I am very lucky in that I have an uninterrupted view of my garden from my spot on the sofa, so don't need to cut my flowers to bring them in to appreciate them.   Still, it's lovely to have some inside too, and, at three bunches for a quid, I'm not going to grumble at that!

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