Sunday 13 April 2014


A few weeks ago, Finn and I had a trip up to Wells beach on a very clear, but blinking cold, Monday.   I love my Mondays with Finn - I do get quite anxious about him as he can be a bit unpredictable around other people.  I think probably he's much better behaved than I give him credit for.   However, I do like to keep him away from public beaches on weekends when there's heaps of other people there - so Mondays are perfect for beach walking.   There were a few hardy other souls about with their dogs and he had a good run around in the woods with his new doggy pals before we headed out to the beach for him to have a swim and a tear around.   Unfortunately, his ability to sniff out and roll in dead animals is not abating with old age and so the car on the way home smelt of Eau de Dead Seal.  I guess it could be worse!

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