Friday 19 September 2014

Tada! "Tiger In The Tank(tops)"

I've started making all my Christmas presents now - the list is prepared and I'm knitting or sewing twenty-two presents - eek!  

But I'm well aware that I've not made much for Folksy or for the Craft Room for ages - despite knitting baby blankets in my lunch break at work - so figured it was about time I sewed up the projects that are awaiting finishing off and I could then pop them on line for sale.   I haven't been very well lately and have had quite a bit of time off work, so slobbing about has mainly been the order of the day, while watching rubbish daytime TV and drinking endless cups of hot blackcurrant or hot lemon to keep my fluid intake up.   Because I like to do all my sewing up sitting at the dining table, rather than flumping on the sofa, the thought of sewing up big projects has not filled me with joy - however, I have plenty of children's clothes to work on instead.

I love these tanktops - they are so neat and small - they'll fit up to a two year old.   The pattern was provided by Bev - I'd made a couple of smart grey tanktops for her a couple of years ago, so had photocopied the pattern before giving it back - thinking it might come in handy.   The wool is King Cole Zigzag 4 ply and lovely to knit with - really soft.  I've mostly used it for socks or gloves, but I think it works really well in these tanktops.  I realise that not everyone loves this type of jazziness, but they kept me very happy making them.  Gorgeous!

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