Wednesday 10 September 2014

Views Through Windows

Autumn is well and truly here - ironically, this week has been glorious but I've been off sick and haven't been able to take advantage of it - I seem to have developed asthma and now have inhalers.  At least I now understand why I've been so breathless and not wanting to get out and work in the garden!

A few weeks back though we had endless rain - my goodness, everything got a good watering in the garden. It was desperately needed though.

It was especially lovely that everything instantly seemed fresher again and the birds appeared in my garden by the hundred - all enticed by the worms that made their way across the garden.   I could hear them chattering for ages and snuck upstairs to the spare room to try and get some photos of them through the windows as they sat and chatted on the branches of the apple tree.

We also got some amazing skies at night - gorgeous pinks and reds across the rooftops.

Sadly, though, the nights are already drawing in and it's dark so quickly in the evenings.   I love this time of year - I love not having to make excuses for not going out.  And having a good excuse to snuggle up on the sofa in front of the TV with Finn.   Time to hibernate!

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