Thursday 2 April 2015

Odds and Sods - March 2015

March has absolutely flown by - we've had some lovely sunny days but we have also had some torrential rains and howling gales.   I thought I was getting ahead with some of the garden stuff, but have had to put a lot of it on hold for now until I can be sure that plants put outside will stay where they're put and not end up rolling down the road.  (I spotted one of my empty plant pots doing that very thing earlier this week!)  So I've spent quite a bit of March indoors, decluttering and being generally homely!  I've also spent a lot of time with friends and family and realise how bad I am sometimes at staying in touch with people - I've really enjoyed the time doing this and resolve to be better.

I've had a couple of jaunts too - the Knitting and Stitching Show at London's Olympia and I had a weekend down at Heathrow with Andy and Finn. I had a lovely day shopping and doing lunch with Rachel in Bury St Edmunds - our shopping centre of choice for a jaunt!   On top of all of this, the car failed and then (sort of) passed its MOT but has since been back for more restorative work and needs to go back in again after Easter.  I really need to get totally on top of mechanical issues before the spring and summer jaunts start up again.

So it's been a month of catching up, but also of quietness and catching my breath before the summer arrives and we're thrown headlong into gardening and socialising and general busyness.  

This post is all about the stuff that happened that didn't really merit individual posts, but all of which have been really important and I simply don't want to forget.  (Thank goodness for Odds and Sods posts!)

The smell of these hyacinths is gorgeous as I arrive home after a day at work.  Really fragrant.  And the climbing hydrangeas have gone a bit berserk this year - I need to work out how to control them a bit more.

I spotted these nests in one of the trees on my road, on one of the greyer days this month.   Now the clocks have gone forward, it's so fantastic to walk Finn over the park in the evenings now in daylight.

Talking of grey ..... I took this photo during the solar eclipse on 20 March.   While a lot of the country lost the sun for a few minutes, we didn't have any sun to start with!  (I actually had an interview later this day and that was a bit of a damp squib too - needless to say, I didn't get the job!) 

Lots of bonding going on at the caravan!  Bless them! 

And it was Mother's Day while Finn and I were with Andy in Heathrow - this is my card.  Finn is such a clever boy!

Talking of Finn, here he is looking gorgeous as ever!

And here he is the weekend that Sid stayed over with us.  I still have no idea what they were waiting for at the top of the stairs.  Funny pair!

I've been to see Molly (and Elle of course!) twice this month - Molly is adorable, such a little doll.

And although the sum total of my sewing projects this month was two bandanas - shameful! - I have been building up a pile of patterns I want to try when I get time, including this cute dog bone cushion and a jersey skirt.  I'm a bit scared of jersey - I think I need lots of practice first.

So that's March in a nutshell.   I am looking forward to better weather as I have so many projects I want to get on with - not just in the garden, but in the house too which require windows and doors to be flung open wide and for washed curtains to be hung on the clothes line.   Roll on warmer weather!

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