Friday 9 October 2015

Odds and Sods - September 2015

September has been full of domesticity - a nice steady month with not too much drama.   It's feeling properly autumnal with dark early evenings and the heating has kicked in too.  The windows are pretty much all shut now and I've even started the Christmas shopping.  It's that sort of month.  I've got a new 'phone which explains all the selfies in this post - needing to try the camera function out.  And I'm very happy to report that it seems to be air brushing me which is fabulous - why didn't I get one of these 'phones years ago?!  And I've got a new haircut and new specs too - must be something in the air!

Even Finn seems to be feeling the cold and has been much more snuggly than usual.

I love this photo - Finn is enormous but still thinks he's compact enough to sit on my lap!

One day I WILL get the hang of this camera!  

New specs (and air brushing very much in evidence!)

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