Wednesday 9 December 2015

St Michaels Mount

Before our holiday, I was furnished with a list of places that the girls would like to visit which I put together with my list and did all the research - opening times, directions, admission prices, etc.   St Michaels Mount was on the list but with the proviso that we walk over the causeway and get the boat back.  Because I wasn't at all sure about Finn and Sid having a little boat ride, I said I would walk over the causeway and then walk back with the boys while Amanda and Shannon got the boat - I had taken the boat years ago so was more than happy not to do so again - it can get a bit choppy!

I'd checked the website for the causeway closing times so we arranged to get there a bit before that so that I'd have enough time to walk over and back.   What I hadn't calculated for was that the boat wasn't running that day - so annoying!  In my ignorance, I just assumed that the boat ran every day - not so.  The kind lady on the causeway told us we'd need to get a shimmy on to get over and back within thirty minutes - so we did!

Another obstruction was the work being done to the causeway which didn't agree with Sid's sensitive paws, so Amanda didn't get all the way up to the abbey either as she stayed a way back with him while Shannon and I legged it onto the island for a very quick look before having to head back.

The tide was coming in at quite a pace by now and the girls decided to have a paddle - given that they were wearing wellies - although Amanda discovered that the ones she'd borrowed from me leaked!

Finn made a friend on the way back to the car and then rolled in a dead crab for good measure.  God, he stank!

Amanda clearly had had too much fresh air and was trying to walk, according to the pavement diagram.

We headed back to the car at Marazion and planned to walk round to Penzance, a couple of miles along the shore beside the railway line.  Amanda's feet were a bit sore (not to mention wet) so she headed back to the car with Sid and drove round to Penzance to meet us.

A good, but frustrating, day - although we did find a Morrisons in Penzance where Amanda found the lovely gluten free rolls she'd had in the Crackington Haven tea rooms, so it wasn't a total failure!

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