Sunday 6 March 2016

Odds and Sods - February 2016

February has raced past - like all months seem to do now.  I've been down to Whitechapel for another weekend with Andy;  I've been wedding dress shopping around Norwich with the girls for my friend Tracey; I've had a lovely day at Walsingham Abbey to see the snowdrops with Mum; I've been shopping and lunching in Bury St Edmunds with Rachel; and I spent a memorable Saturday afternoon and early evening in the pub with my friend Lynne to catch two Six Nations rugby matches!   I've also had a few health issues which have resulted in a prescription for iron tablets (and hopefully some Guinness) to try and sort my iron levels out.  I've felt, for a while, that I've been running on empty - but perhaps that's just because I try and fit too much in anyway?

Finn and I have had a few walks along the Wensum, although we've mainly been going over the park behind us lately.  I think we'll probably venture further afield once the weather cheers up a bit.

Here's Finn coveting his Grandad's sandwiches!

And here we are having a sofa snuggle.

I've bought some new purple shoes for me .....

And I've made some pink socks for Amanda!  (Although here I am modelling them!)

Final word - as always - goes to my boy!

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