Monday 28 March 2016


Ever since I've lived in Norfolk - ten years now - people have been telling me I really need to go to see Walsingham Priory, especially in snowdrop season.  So I checked with Mum who also hadn't been to this part of Norfolk, and we set out one very grey and cold Saturday back in February.

We weren't disappointed.  The Priory is in a very sleepy little village (actually two villages joined together - Great Walsingham and Little Walsingham) and is part of a pilgrimage trail going back to medieval times. 

There have been religious buildings on the site since the 1100s until 1538 when it was sold off and fell into ruin.  Walsingham is still the scene of pilgrimages every year during May and August - another event I need to add to my "to do" list.

But today, we were here for the snowdrops - and hellebores and aconites too, although not so many of those.

Mother creeping around the crypt!

There are twenty-two acres of grounds to walk around, although we didn't do all of it - it was too blinking cold for a start!

The place was just carpeted in them - beautiful.

A lovely day, but just too cold.   I would definitely like to go back, but next year I'll pick a weekend where it's bright and sunny too!

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