Friday 1 April 2016

Odds and Sods - March 2016

Well, the year is rushing by and today is 1 April - where is the time going?

At the beginning of March, Mum and I went to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Olympia in London where I got the teeniest bit starstruck.  I met Tilly Walnes, who was in the first series of the Great British Sewing Bee - I was wearing the blouse I'd made to her design and I wanted a little bit of advice about what to do with the neckline and all the excess fabric since losing a bit of weight.  She told me I'd made a "lovely job" of the blouse which was thrilling enough.  However, Matt, the winner of the latest series of the Sewing Bee, happened to be at Tilly's stand at the time and he said that my pin tucks demonstrated "some of the neatest stitching I've ever seen".  Oh Lordy!  I was on cloud nine after that!  I really would have loved to have a photo taken with both Tilly and Matt, but I thought that was a bit too nerdy, even for me.

A couple of days after this, Mo and I had a day fabric shopping - as if I hadn't had my material fill already two days previously! - and I got some more advice about the patchwork quilt I'm making - more to follow in a separate post when it's finished.  I'm nearly there - it's only been 28 years in the making so far!

I've had a few more health issues, although - fingers crossed - I am definitely on the mend now and feeling much more chipper and less run down.  A combination of high strength iron tablets and Guinness is doing the trick.

I've had another weekend down in London with Andy while Mum and Dad had Finn - post to follow.  Finn was not happy and waged all-out war by not cooperating on the day of my departure with bed changing activities.

I took this picture while trying not to laugh at him - when he doesn't want to be moved, he WILL not be moved!

Mum and I had a trip down memory lane to Epsom to see Auntie Joyce in hospital - and had a mooch around Epsom town centre.  Very strange because it must be at least ten years since we visited but nothing much has changed at all.

Easter was early this year and we had a family lunch last weekend at Mum and Dad's - and we had to earn our roast dinner as there were lots of bits of furniture to be moved, not to mention a trailer tent from the garage!  I made some simnel cakes to celebrate the occasion.

In the past, I've made a big simnel cake which tends to be a bit on the heavy side - these individual cup cakes (recipe kindly provided by Mary and Waitrose!) were ideal - just the thing.  I really must invest in a round cookie cutter though - the rims of my mugs were all a bit too big - although I quite like the flower effect.

Today is April, so strictly speaking, I shouldn't be writing about this until April's post, but I'll mention it here and not again.  I said goodbye to my lovely neighbour today - Geoffrey who was 86.  He's really looked after me and Finn for the past seven years that we've lived here and we will really miss him.  Frankie Laine's "Rawhide" was played at the service today and I will forever remember Geoffrey every time I hear it from now on.

What else?  I've made some socks .....

I've bought some tickets to see Jenny Eclair, one of TV's Grumpy Old Women, at the Holt Festival in July - a week before my own milestone birthday when I will officially become a GOW too!

Mostly the month has been about Finn as usual! And now I can get him over the park after work and let him have a proper run off the lead - I love these lighter evenings once the clocks go forward.

Finn borrowed Sid's jumper for a while and I'm surprised he tolerated it for as long as he did!

And, to finish, wild primroses .....

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