Thursday 12 May 2016

Tada! "Feather and Fan" Cardi

May is the month of "Me Made May" - a challenge for knitters and dressmakers to wear something every day of the month that they've made themselves.  Sadly, I probably only have enough things for half the month, but here's another one!
I knit this pattern all the time - mainly for shawls and blankets, but here it is as a cardigan - my favourite knitting pattern - feather and fan, also known as "shale".  It's so simple, but so effective.

 I bought this wool at the 2015 Knitting and Stitching Show and, as we were hurtling headlong towards this year's show, I thought I ought to use up last year's wool, before I bought more!  I love the way the colours have worked out on the back of the cardi.
 I wish I could say the same for the front.  Because there are obviously double the number of stitches on the back than there is on a front, the stripes are much thicker on the front.
Not only that, but the stripes don't match either!  Still, matching front and backs of cardigans is very over-rated!  I finished this in March and, of course, it's much too warm to wear it now so I will have to try and have my own Me Made Month later in the year.

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