Wednesday 17 August 2016

Felbrigg Flower Festival

Back in July, Mum, Amanda and I headed off to Felbrigg, a National Trust property in north Norfolk, for the flower festival in the estate's church.  To commemorate the 400th birthday of Shakespeare, the displays were all based on the works of Shakespeare - now, I've never really understood the Shakespeare thing to be honest, I try and watch any plays that are on tv and I've been to the odd play, but I just don't understand what's going on.  I can't help it, but my attention span is not wide enough to deal with it!  So, while these displays are all play-based, I cannot remember what they are as I didn't care enough to note them down - I was too busy enjoying the flowers and the colours!
The church itself was beautiful - really light and airy, despite all the people in it.  And the pews were fab - they were laid out in little booths, like your own little picnic area!
(This one was a bit obvious because of the balcony - Romeo and Juliet - even I managed to work this one out!)
The church had opened the crypt up so, of course, Mum and I had to go and have a creep!
It was quite tricky getting in and out as the steps had clearly been built for giants.  Mum had to do a bit of a bum shuffle to get out!
The day was mostly without incident, but Mum and Amanda are laughing in this photo as I had just rather spectacularly knocked over a flower display!  Oops!  Petals everywhere!
I love eryngiums - sea holly - so was especially pleased to see them being used in one of the displays.
There was a plant stall outside to raise money for church funds, and there seemed to be quite a lot of horticultural research going on.
After our time at the church, it felt only right to go and look in the shop and wander around the plant area - the day was beautiful and we weren't quite ready to go home yet.  It was fab - and really busy, which is always lovely to see. 

These two photos really make me laugh - I was trying to get the obligatory selfie of us with my huge camera and the first one shows Amanda looking really grumpy as Mum was hiding ...
But then, Amanda took over and pulled Mum into the next picture and it's a cracker ...
I love this!

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