Thursday 4 August 2016

Odds and Sods - July 2016

Well, here we are, well over halfway through the year now and it's showing no signs of slowing down. 

And July has been a belter - I've had another hospital visit, but everything's ok and no need to go back for five years now - hurrah!  I've been to a 40th birthday party and I've had a significant birthday (and party) of my own too - post to follow!  I've popped down to Surrey to spend a lovely day with Mary, Tim and Sara - again, I'll cover that in another post.  I've been to Tracey and Justin's wedding and had the most wonderful day sharing it with them. Mum, Amanda and I have been to Felbrigg for a flower festival at the church and I've spent a day with Rachel, shopping and lunching in Bury St Edmunds. 

 I've had various trips out with friends for lunch, cinema trips, coffees, etc.  I've been to Southwold for a day as I was desperate to go and look at the sea, and I've been up to Sheringham to have lunch with Rat, Pam and Amanda. 

 Oh, and I've been to see Jenny Eclair at the Holt Festival. 
I've bottled up this year's batch of beech leaf noyau, and am very pleased to see huge blackberries ripening in my garden so am excited about making blackberry  brandy this year.

I've got a brand new  blanket on my spare bed, courtesy of Mum - it's stunning!
Talking of beds, I've been bed buying (where there was more than a bit of pissing about) with Amanda!
And here's my boy on my bed - this is the face I wake up to each morning ...
I've made Andy some cushion covers for the caravan.

And I'm clearly having a mid life crisis as I've had my hair coloured!  This was a brand new experience for me and not at all traumatic.  I'm thinking tattoo and nose piercing next! 


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