Saturday 5 November 2016

Odds and Sods - October 2016

October has whizzed by in a blur, along with the rest of the year.  I've changed my non-work day which is probably the biggest bit of news - and I'm trying to get used to having Fridays off, rather than Mondays.  My brain is scrambled - I don't know where I am!  The change was primarily to have a dedicated gardening day, but on my first Friday off, I went for a girlie day out with Shannon, for brunch, shopping and to the cinema!

I've been on holiday with Mum and Dad, and Finn enjoyed a week with Andy, lots of male bonding going on I think!   (Post to follow.)

Mary and Jim came up for a weekend which was fab and we managed to get a huge family get together organised for Sunday lunch which was brilliant.

Poor Finn is back on his tranquilisers.  Bloody fireworks have been going off for weeks now, so I'm trying my best to keep him calm.   Good long walks over the park to try and wear him out, etc.  As it's darker now, we can legitimately shut the curtains really early anyway, to try and shelter him from the noise a bit.  I hate that he gets so anxious - it's upsetting for all of us.  Finn is never usually allowed in the bed, but he has taken himself up there a couple of times and snuggled under the blankets - given all the firework upset, I haven't the heart to hoick him out of there.

Sid, of course, doesn't seem bothered by it at all!

I'm loving my college course and am now doing some practical gardening too.  Oh, and I've had all my hair cut off so I can get it under a hat in this cold weather.

Lastly, I love this photo - this was taken pre-haircut - of our little family.  Love it!

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