Sunday 20 November 2016


We have been very lucky in Norwich to have three Wild in Art art trails so far - elephants, gorillas and dragons.  Given that Amanda is a real piggie fan, we decided to head south of the border into Suffolk, and visit the art trail in Ipswich.  (Amanda has a form of tourettes, which induces her to shout "piggies" every time she sees one, so I was rather worried about this walking tour of the city.  However, she even had me at it by the time we'd finished for the day!)

By the end of the day, I think we managed thirty-four, and had walked eight miles.  We didn't get to see all of them, but we were knackered and ready for the bus back to our car at the park and ride.

This is us sitting outside the Tourist Information office, having collected our maps and trying to work out a route.
I can't remember why she was looking so miffed - perhaps because we couldn't work out how we were going to do them all? 
And this is Albert Einswine, who was housed in the Tourist Info office.
I'd only been to Ipswich once before but was really taken with it - a lovely town, really interesting buildings.
Amanda with the Trotters Pig.
Major Henry Wigglesworth.   Clearly.

A Pig's Got to Travel.  From the bus station obviously!
Spider-Pig!   We were very excited generally about this trail, but Amanda had an app on her 'phone, where we could scan the ID number shown on every pig's plinth, so we could cross them off on line.  We're such kids!

Next stop was into Christchurch Park, where we managed a good walk around the park, and an ice cream in the cafe.
Captain Pigwash.
Digby.  (I think.  I was beginning to get a bit lost with the junior pigs!)
Ham-inator in Christchurch Park.
Boarba Fett.  In the library!
Sir Bradley Piggins.
Tally-Ho Trotters in St Mary-le-Tower.
Hedgepig was supposed to be in St Lawrence Church, but had moved to an ex-church that was now a cafe and community centre.
Major Tim Pig.
Pigs Can Fly.
A herd of pigs!
Salt, which was one of my favourites.
Great Piggish Bake Off.  (I think, I was getting rather lost at this stage!)
Steam Punk Pig, who I also loved.
Clover.  (And Clover's bum!)
Elvis Porksley.
Porkman Road.
Bobby Robson ...
.... and Amanda!
Pig-Geswyk, another one that I really loved.
Absolutely no idea!  Totally lost by now!  If I had to hazard a guess - and trying to work out the route by looking at the map while I'm typing this - then I'd say Pretty Penny.

Piggy Stardust.
Hide and Seek?
Piggy the Sailor.
Ipswich Blue.
Pig n Mix.  At this time, we were down at the Waterfront, which meant a few sit downs and coffee! 
Me and Ed Sheer-Ham!
University residences - obviously!

Hamlet of Ipswich.

Pinata Piggy.
Little Sewn Sow.
To Bee a Pig.
With Pepper Pig.

What a day!   Exhausting, but really great fun.  Blessed to have this fabulous culture (almost) on our doorsteps - but, boy, I slept that night!

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