Sunday 23 July 2017

Holiday Randoms - Borth

Back in March, Amanda and Sid, Finn and I headed off to Ceredigion for a week's caravan holiday at Borth, near Aberystwyth.  It was just after Mother's Day so, as well as our normal luggage, we transported an enormous bouquet of tulips with us, sent to Amanda from Shannon, and, along with three bottles of wine, they were all we unpacked before we headed for our first beach stroll, within ten minutes of arrival!
Our first beach walk provided Amanda with a solution to the dilemma about what we do with all these tulips which we'd unceremoniously plonked into a waste paper basket - bucket and spade!
There, much better!  (And this gave me an idea of plant pots also for my garden, so I came home with half a dozen, different coloured buckets too!)

The caravan site was set in terraces down a steeply sloping site - which made unloading the car quite an ordeal.  However, on the plus side, the views were stunning with the hills and mountains of Snowdonia in the distance.  We were also treated to the odd sight of red kites flying overhead.

The boys made themselves at home almost immediately of course - as did we.  It didn't take long at all for our crap to be strewn over all available benches and surfaces!
The caravan was lovely and was everything we needed, warm and cosy, with plenty of room for all of us, and perfectly centrally located for everywhere we wanted to visit this week.  Normally, we go back to holiday destinations that we've been before so we pretty much know what the week will bring.  But Borth and this part of the Welsh coast was quite unknown to both of us.  Of course, I'd walked the Ceredigion Coast Path a few years ago - twelve actually! - but I didn't remember very much of it, as it was almost done as a route march.  So it was lovely to become reacquainted with it and it's definitely a place I'd like to go back to.

The only slight hitch about the whole holiday was a slight tumble that I took mid week - down a five foot drop before cracking my head open on a concrete block.  I won't go into all the details here, but I ended up in A&E in Aberystwyth, where the staff were absolutely brilliant, and had a bit of a headache and a crunched up leg for the rest of the week.  (In fact, the crunched up leg stuck with me for a good couple of months afterwards and still isn't quite healed - I think it takes longer to heal when you're an old lady like me!)
 So not quite the week we were expecting, but it didn't spoil the holiday really - it just meant we did everything we'd planned to do, but some of it in a drug induced haze! 

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