Saturday 14 October 2017

Odds and Sods - September 2017

September was all about college really - I have started my two new courses and had totally underestimated how much work would be involved.  We get tonnes of homework from Tuesday night's theory class and also plant identification assessments for the Wednesday practical class.  My poor old brain is totally scrambled. The practical class is fab and we're learning so much - we've been chucked right into the thick of things and have been digging up veg beds, potting loads of cuttings up for planting out later next year, edging the lawns, chopping back, etc.   Really good experience!
In other garden related matters, Amanda and I have been to Urban Jungle for a mooch, a plant buying session, and lunch!
Andy and I have been busy in the garden working on the mosaic path - post to follow.
We've had lots of lovely meals, cooked by Andy!
Both Finn and I have had haircuts ... here's mine!
And I've had an outing to Sheringham with Amanda and Mum to see the Dutch gansey exhibition - post to follow, but I wanted to post this photo now (shamelessly stolen from Amanda!) as I love it so much.

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