Monday 23 October 2017

The Lincoln Knights

Back in May (May!!), Amanda and I headed off to Lincoln for another Wild in Art trail.  I do love these events - not only for the art, but also taking you to places you might not normally visit.  Lincoln is actually only a couple of hours' drive from Norwich, but I've only been there twice before - once for their famous Christmas Fair in the Cathedral with Mum on a coach trip, and the other time with Andy for the wedding of our friends Sarah and Justin.

The only issue with posting this so late is that I've lost my map of Lincoln so can only vaguely remember some of the names.  Hopeless!
We headed to the university buildings and spent ages walking around the campus - I think we both fell a bit in love with Lincoln Uni. 
Lincoln has got some fabulous old buildings and we have said that we would love to go back for a proper look round one weekend. 
I like this one - he's got a hard hat exactly like Andy's!
Now this next one I do remember the name - Guardian of the Forest, and that's simply because she was one of my favourites!  She was a ginger warrior princess!
Look at those rosy cheeks!
Each of the knights had a symbol on them which corresponded to a single word in the key on our map and we had to work out the historical paragraph to win a certificate and a badge.   This knight gave us the most grief in finding the symbol and, in the end, we had to be guided by small children who pointed it out to us! 
This next one was another favourite - I seem to recall it had a name like Psalter?  Or something similar?  Like I said above, hopeless!
We stopped at lunchtime for pizza before heading up Steep Hill.  They weren't kidding!  And of course I was still limping well from my leg injury two months previously - we actually walked eight miles during the course of the day and, boy, I could feel it!
Ah yes, Roadkill Knight!  Actually, that's not what it was called at all and Amanda thought it was hilarious that I voiced this out loud in front of quite small children!  But this one had a blinking great truck on it, and lots of animals that you find dead by the side of motorways.  What were they thinking?!
At this point, we were beginning to realise we were running out of time to go and get our certificates and badges!  It was Sunday and the Tourist Info office was shutting at 4.00 pm, so we ran - ha, we ran! - explained to the lovely lady at the counter that we'd come from Norwich and she helped us fill in our sheets and awarded us our certificates and badges.  We're such kids!  We did promise that we would go and visit those we hadn't seen yet and we did mean it!

This young chap was getting into the swing of it with his sword and his helmet!
This made us laugh - lots of adults standing around trying to work out the clues.  It felt good that, for a change, we weren't the only people doing this trail without children!
This one had such a pretty face!
What a fab day!  Badges.  Certificates.  Sunburn.  What more could anyone want?! 

Seriously, it was such a brilliant day - Lincoln is fascinating and definitely worth another visit.

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