Sunday 22 October 2017

Other People's Gardens - September 2017

Well, this is awkward ..... I managed to take no photos of my own garden in September, so, for the first time in months, I have nothing to report in a Seeds and Stuff post.  Shocking.  I have no right to call myself a Horticulturist!

I have, however, been busy in other people's gardens, but, again, haven't taken too many photos.   I have been mainly engaged in destruction, hacking back and digging up, although there have been a few planting episodes I'm pleased to report!

Mostly, I've been covered in cuts and scratches as this seems to be the month that everyone wants shot of their pyracanthas and I can't say I blame them - vicious things!

The gardening work is dying off a bit at the moment - everyone is putting their gardens to bed for the winter, as expected.  And I've been having to re-evaluate whether it's feasible to reduce my proper job working hours to take on more gardening work - I knew it was going to happen that gardening work would reduce but have been quite shocked at how quickly that has happened.  Need to have a proper think about future plans!

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