Saturday 3 February 2018

Made Or Grown - January 2018

I own up - I buy a lot of clothes, but I do get a lot of wear out of them.  I very rarely throw anything away until it gets a hole in it, and then, depending on where the hole is, I will try to mend if I can.   However, I'm also well aware that I can make my own clothes - I knit and I sew and I have bags and boxes full of fabric and wool in my loft that really needs using up.   I even grow food, although that is mainly seasonal of course.  The clothes thing I can do all year long.

So I decided, instead of making a new year's resolution, that I would just try and make things simpler.  I have way more stuff than I need and it's time to cut down on buying things and generally have a proper life laundry and declutter.  And I definitely need to use some of that wool up!

As part of this plan, I thought this would be a good year for a project - like I don't have anything else going on! So, every day of the year, I'm either going to wear or eat something I've made or grown.  I'll write a post each month to document the proof - although, to start with, it's going to be really boring as I actually only have eight things I've made for myself - most of what I make is for other people.  I'm hoping these posts will get marginally more interesting as we go through the year, as I can add foody pictures in too!

 1 January 2018 - heading out for a dog walk.  My pink hat was made with yarn that had some element of wool in it, so, when I washed it, it felted itself and is ever so slightly snug now, but it does keep my ears warm!
2 January 2018 - back to work and the office was freezing.  Sparkly cardi brightening up my day - I'm even doing a little dance here!
3 January 2018 - my asymmetrical poncho which I love and really need to make more of.
4 January 2018 - another asymmetrical poncho, but shorter.  I ran out of wool!  Also not sure about the blue diagonal stripes over the blue horizontal stripes.  This is a work in progress!
5 January 2018 - sparkly cardi again for a day out at Diss antique auctions and lunch in the pub.  Cheeky gin and tonic cocktail also!
6 January 2018 - apple pie with apples which had been languishing at the bottom of my freezer since the autumn.
7 January 2018 - dog walking.
8 January 2018 - this poncho is different on both sides so I can wear it either way round, depending on what I need to match it to.  (It doesn't always match!)
9 January 2018 - the first dress I made which is now too big, hence the brooch being used as a makeshift dart.
10 January 2018 - day at college, working outside.
11 January 2018 - a close up of my pin tucks on the only blouse I've ever made.  This was such a lovely pattern that I really need to make another.
12 January 2018 - this sparkly cardi is getting a lot of wear, especially as the heating has been playing up at work.
13 January 2018 - knackered.  Amanda had moved in this day and we were all exhausted.  Wearing my pink trousers which are looser fitting than jeans and I needed something comfy with all the lifting we were doing.
14 January 2018 - a variation on Eton mess with blackberries from my garden which had been lurking at the bottom of the freezer.
15 January 2018 - just back from the pub - which might explain squiffy expression!
16 January 2018 - close up of a poncho.
17 January 2018 - I made myself a healthy fruity lunch for college with blackberries from the garden.
18 January 2018 - I love this cardi so much which is just as well!
19 January 2018 - red dress (unironed and clinging!) worn as a skirt under a Seasalt jumper.
20 January 2018 - this was the day Finn refused to get out of the car because of gunfire, so I sat in the car and revised while Amanda and Sid had a walk around Fairhaven Gardens.
21 January 2018 - dog walking.
22 January 2018 - love this poncho too.
23 January 2018 - this one not so much.  Next time I make a chunky poncho, at least I know how much wool I need!
24 January 2018 - college - it was bloody cold this day and I wasn't happy, which I think comes across in this photo! (It hammered it down so much that the glasshouses we were working in sprang many leaks!)
25 January 2018 - sparkly cardi close up.
26 January 2018 - green dress again.  Unironed again!
27 January 2018 - poncho.  I spent a couple of hours in Urban Jungle nursing a coffee with my revision books.
28 January 2018 - dog walking along the Broads.
29 January 2018 - perhaps I should wear it at a less jaunty angle and it might look better?
30 January 2018 - frosty walk to work in the morning.
31 January 2018 - college day.  (Again, very cold - we were planting apple trees in hail, sleet and snow.  Thank God for my too snug hat!)

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