Sunday, 4 February 2018

Odds and Sods - January 2018

January has been all about stress!  I've got my exams (on Tuesday actually) so have been spending ages reading and re-reading and generally getting overwhelmed with course work and revision. 
 I can only hope the examiners don't mark me on my artistic skills, as I'd be completely stuffed!  (My tutor marked one of my mock papers last week and awarded me 40 out of 60 which is a good pass.  42 would have got me a commendation.  Now, this might make other people revise harder, but all it's done is stress me out even more!)
 I took a trip to Urban Jungle at Beccles last weekend - it's a fab place to unwind anyway, being surrounded by all those plants.  So I thought I'd take some revision with me and surround myself with greenery, coffee and cake.  Well, it would be rude not to!

And Amanda and Sid moved in - which, to be fair, is probably more stressful for Amanda than me, but I do like something to worry about! 
 It's also been bloody cold and wet this month - which I should expect this time of year - but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy it!
One of the lovely things that happened this month was Andy coming to stay for a long weekend in the new year - we didn't do too much, lots of relaxing, but we did visit Diss auctions on the Friday and acquired some new things for the house - mostly whisky related of course!  And on the way home, we stopped at Hingham for lunch and a cheeky gin and tonic cocktail.
Another lovely thing was receiving this pot of scilla as a thank you from one of my colleagues, whose mittens I had darned for her.  Definitely not on my job description, but one of the nicer things I get asked to do occasionally!

And more flowers from Andy - to brighten my mood.

But of course, it's really all about Finn!

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