Tuesday 21 August 2018

Wet Wintry Walk - Hunstanton

I'm typing this today on a day that couldn't feel less wintry - 28 degrees on the dashboard thermometer this afternoon!
Back in February, while Amanda was in New Zealand, I decided to get my lazy arse off the sofa and go and do some exploring.  I do find it hard to get motivated to do anything on my own sometimes - I can feel so settled at home, and I could easily become a hermit, so need to push myself every now and then.
I can't actually remember why I chose Hunstanton - perhaps it was the wool shop?!  I do remember it being a freezing cold and very drizzly day and I welcomed the hot chocolate I had while there.
As can be seen from the photos, there weren't many people about!  And to prevent Mum and Dad taking Sid out for a walk and getting soaked through, I rang them up and offered, so then jumped in the car and headed up to North Elmham to do my daughterly duty!

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