Saturday 11 May 2019

Odds and Sods - April 2019

April was a month of contrasts - we've had cold and rain, but also some absolutely beautifully warm days when you didn't even need a coat.  It's made clothing admin very difficult to determine!

Because the weather has been very changeable, I've been spending a lot of time indoors instead of gardening and have managed to get lots of knitting done.

I haven't done any cable knitting for ages but I'm thrilled with this - Dad's birthday cardigan.   (I messed up when I ordered the wool and the wrong colour was delivered, so I had to re-order.  All is not lost though as I'm going to make Mum a matching cardi for her birthday too with the wrong wool!)

Finn's had a smart new haircut and poses so nicely to show it off!

I've finally finished Nan's quilt - post to follow soon.   Mum and I have been to a couple of quilt exhibitions recently and I'm so inspired but have decided to take the easy option this time after all that hand sewing for Nan's quilt.   Squares are fab as there's no tacking involved and you can go straight to the sewing machine.  Fab!

I've been trying to cook some different stuff recently - I know I get very lazy and unmotivated and end up making the same old meals time after time.  This, however, is crab gnocchi.  I KNOW!!!   And it was delicious and is definitely one to make again.

A family trip had been planned to Cromer at Easter, but, due to sickness and transport issues, only Shannon and I managed to get there.  It was a beautiful day and there were people on the beaches and in the sea.   So lovely to see so many people out and about in the sunshine.

I took this photo while stuck in traffic one afternoon - somehow sitting in the car doesn't seem so bad though when you have so much beauty to look at.

Aaah, now, this.   I discovered that I have finally passed my exams and am a fully qualified Horticulturist, with a diploma and everything!   I'm basically at entry level to work as a gardener for the National Trust or RHS.  It's all very exciting (and I've picked up two more jobs on the back of this too, which is great news).

What a cutie!

Amanda and I took Finn over the park one evening after work - Amanda's job was to entertain Finn while I was on a mission to strip the beech trees of their leaves for my gin - you can just see my swag bag of leaves slung over my shoulder!   It's all brewing away at the moment and I'm looking forward to summer cocktails!

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