Saturday 25 May 2019

Other People's Gardens - April 2019

I'm so lucky to have such an array of gardens to work in and so many diverse tasks - I could never get bored!

I love working in this garden - it's in the middle of nowhere and, if I'm lucky enough to be there on a Sunday morning, the church bells next door are ringing and it's beautiful.  In this bottom photo, there are actually two children in the cat flap!   These two keep me endlessly entertained while I work!

These photos don't do this justice but I'm trying to help get the lawn back up to scratch.  I've been sowing seeds directly in the soil, but also in seed trays to take with me to transplant into the garden.  

The rockery is looking stunning - I used one of the wooden stakes that I chopped from the back of the garden to stake up the small rose and it looks fab.   Really happy with how this is turning out.

I would kill for strawberry and raspberry beds like these!  (Since these photos were taken, the family have built fruit cages over the canes and it just looks amazing.)

In the meantime, I've been digging out the other veg beds, which have since also got cages over them now, ready for the sowing of the Heritage seeds.

When working in this garden, I always have company from the chickens (and sometimes the family dog too!) - but I know it's only because they're desperate to come out and start pecking at the earth I've been busy clearing.

So lucky to have all this diversity and especially loving being outside now the weather is warming up nicely!

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