Monday 13 May 2019

Seeds and Stuff - April 2019

I'm always really surprised when the tulips pop up each year - I'm not sure if I'm supposed to lift and dry them and store them for the next year, but that seems such a faff to me!   What is always a surprise is that they come up in my veg bags, because I forget that I plant my tomatoes, courgettes and spuds in the same bags to maximise space.  

I did finally get around to starting off some seeds but all that has come up so far is the hollyhocks and a few beetroot.  (Coincidentally, I've put them outside today as it's so much warmer and I'm hoping that the sun will inspire everything else I've sown - larkspur, morning glory, lavender, tomatoes, courgettes and lettuce - to start showing too.)

The Cercis siliquastrum has been flowering for weeks now - so pretty - and, from a distance, could almost be mistaken for wisteria.   Gorgeous.

The garden is looking very lush indeed.

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