Friday 3 May 2019

Other People's Gardens - March 2019

I've been lucky enough to work in a number of different gardens recently which is fab because I can never get bored!

I love working on these beds - they are so full that I can dig stuff up, divide it, and then move it around the garden.

I've even split babies away from parent plants and popped them into gaps in the paving slabs, to try and deter grass and weeds.

This garden gave me a real crisis of confidence half way through - I hadn't had specific instructions to clear this fence but I could see that it needed doing, so I took matters in hand and took down all the old dead wood.   But then got scared that the garden owners might not have wanted me to do it!   As they weren't actually there that day, I couldn't even go and find them to ask.  Luckily, they absolutely loved it and were excited to start planning what to plant.

Sam and Simon are moving house soon so needed some help with clearing their garden down in Sussex, so I popped down for a weekend to help.  I wish I'd taken some "before" and "after" photos rather than just "during"!

While staying with Sam and Simon that weekend, we went over to Tim and Sara's for Sunday lunch and I very cheekily talked Tim out of a chimney pot - they still had another three though!   I was allowed to have it on the promise of sending a photo every year on Tim's birthday of what the chimney pot was being used for.  Also, I had to promise NEVER to let it go outside of the family, so I took the decision to let Mum and Dad have it for now, but to have it back once they no longer wanted it, or, more likely, check if Shannon or Amy wanted it next.

Mum found a "plant-mover-around-the-garden-thing" on castors - I have no idea what it's really called but it's jolly useful for the chimney pot!  

So much colour in Mum and Dad's garden.

And this photo sums up the after effects of working in any of my other gardens - I usually end up having a little sofa snooze with my boy after all the fresh air and exercise!

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