Saturday 27 August 2022

East Wretham

Back in the New Year of 2020, Amanda and I signed up for a big walk to raise money for Cancer Research, the walk to be completed in September 2020.   As it turned out, the walk was rescheduled to September 2021 due to Covid and lockdowns, by which time we knew we wouldn't be able to commit due to family reasons.  However, back in January 2020, we were really up for it and planned in lots of training walks.

On a very cold and frosty morning, we parked up at East Wretham Nature Reserve - and unbeknownst to us, the Ramblers were also completing the same walk that day.  It was very busy!   Bearing that in mind, we started off early, but were lapped by the old folk half way round!

It was very cold and frosty, but absolutely beautiful in the sunshine.

The walk was probably only three miles, so we started off slowly but surely and had a couple of sit downs en route!

And finished off with training cake and a thermos of coffee in the car afterwards!

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