Saturday 20 April 2013


I always feel a sense of relief in the spring - not just because the days are getting longer, it's warming up a bit and there's generally more hope in the air - but because everything in the garden starts growing again, despite my best efforts to kill it all.  I always fret over when I should start pruning back?  How much should I prune?  Should I cover things to protect them?  Bring them in for the winter maybe?  It's all fraught with so much anxiety.  But, every year, it all works its own way out.  Nature's a wonderful thing.

The sun has been out a lot this week and, in the city today, there was rather a bit too much flesh on show for my liking, but you've got to admire people's courage and stoicism!   (I still had a long sleeve tee shirt on and my waterproofs, just in case .... you never know when the weather can change!)
Amanda stayed over last night and we had a very creative evening - Amanda has been making beautiful little hanging hearts - photo to follow in a later blog.  And I've been trying to salvage what I can of the shawl-that-was-too-small, and have become obsessed again with wave blankets.  I have made two in the last fortnight - they are so rewarding to make.  I love the colour of this seasidey one - blues and greens, all tied together with the cream.  The possibilities of colour ways in these blankets is endless.  (I'm even thinking black, white and grey - colours that usually never see the light of day in this house!)

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