Friday 5 April 2013

Knitters with Attitude

This week, we have had the inaugural meeting of our little knitting group.  We are a select little band - twelve of us, although only seven made it to the first meeting.  I'm hopeful that we will grow and become a force to be reckoned with!   I'm not entirely sure that an awful lot of knitting was achieved, because food was also involved.  I spent Tuesday evening and Wednesday afternoon prepping, baking, cooking and whipping cream into a frenzy.  This was my table before actual proper food was ready - I do like to work to a plan!

I hope that the ladies in our group won't mind me mentioning them here - and I'm fairly sure I won't need to change their names to protect the innocent. 

So, in no particular order, Shirley brought a rather beautiful purple boucle yarn and a garment which apparently hasn't seen the light of day for two years - there was a grand unveiling as it was revealed to us!  I can't wait to see the progress that is made and the finished article.  I did start to get a bit worried when Shirley suggested dropping off her knitting mistakes through my letterbox on her way home from work for me to sort out.  But I am supremely confident this won't be needed! 

Shannon was busy sewing up some of my hexipuffs.  While I'm very happy to knit away with my bits of scrap wool, my colour coordination leaves a lot to be desired.  Shannon has a much better eye for colour, so she has been making up dining seat pads which are rather less lary than if I had finished them.

Michele is a natural at knitting.  When we last had a girls' night jolly a few weeks back, Michele declared that she could not knit, but would like to start by learning how to make mobile 'phone socks.  So imagine our surprise to find that so much progress had been made with these accessories, that a waistcoat had been attempted.  Not only attempted, but finished and sewn up beautifully.   I think Michele may be outstripping us all soon with her projects.  We had an impromptu cable knitting lesson during the evening and Michele eventually decided to have a go at my favourite feather and fan pattern - starting with a few stitches to have a practice on.  I fully expect to see a king size bedspread at our next meeting.

Mo had brought some gorgeous greeny/ blue yarn and was making a hat and scarf combination as a present.  Not only that, but she had also brought some lovely toy patterns with her that we all ooh'ed and aah'ed over.  I can see an evening spent making fairies soon.  Oh, and Mo's biscuits are to die for - thank you for bringing them, Mo.  Recipe please!

I don't recall seeing Amanda with any knitting or crochet, but she can be forgiven as she helped out with all the catering beforehand.  Oh, and she was also instrumental in passing round patterns for us all and enticing us with new projects. 

Marti brought some beautiful red and pink yarns and was busy making flowers to decorate a black bag she had made.  Marti is the felting queen and has made some beautiful bags before now.  Marti has also been knitting zombies which I think might be an acquired taste.  I'm hoping that photos will follow soon.

As for me, I made one single hexipuff all evening.  I was having an evening off though, enjoying sharing what, for me, is usually a solitary occupation, except when Amanda and I have an evening together. 

I really enjoyed our first meeting and am looking forward to our next in May.  The catering has been taken out of my hands for the next time, so I may spend a bit more time being creative.

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