Wednesday 17 February 2016

Tada! "Ship Ahoy" Gansey

I'm having a few IT issues currently which is making writing this blog difficult - although I'm always late anyway with posts!  It'll be interesting to see if this saves after I press the final "publish" button.

This is the story of the gansey.  After our visit to the Sheringham Lifeboat Museum back in August 2014 (2014!!), Pam managed to acquire a gansey knitting pattern and suggested that she might like one for Christmas.  So, a year later (too many other projects in the meantime!), I thought it was about time to make a gansey, as requested.

The photos don't do this justice - I hate photographing navy knitwear - the photos aren't great, so I will definitely have to make myself one in cream for photographic purposes.

I actually really enjoyed making this gansey - which is just as well because I've now made three - all in navy!  The gansey that Pam eventually received was actually the second one I'd made - the first had been sitting on top of my coffee table one weekend, ready for me to wrap it up.  As I came back to the living room from making coffees, the gansey was no longer in its protective wrapping on the coffee table, it was adorning Andy!  He took rather a shine to it and decided that he was having it, so then I had to get another load of wool to make Pam's.  And then Tracy at work decided that she'd rather like a gansey too, so I've since made one for her too - she loved it so much she was wandering around the office in it the day I handed it over.  (I did ask her to take it off just in case I got any more orders - I really couldn't cope with any more dark coloured gansey-knitting!)

So I think this pattern has gone down rather well - it is beautiful.  So fine - for the smallest size, there are 156 stitches on the needles.  Can't wait to make mine now - but definitely in cream!

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