Monday 1 February 2016

Odds and Sods - January 2016

2016 is already shooting by and I'm typing this post (late again) on 1 February.  I always think of January as being quite a slow month but this year has been different and has been a bit non stop.  We've had some cold weather and some strange sunrises and sunsets - the light has been very odd.

I've been to the seaside at Cromer and met Pam for coffee.

I've been to the Sainsburys Centre at the UEA to see the Alphonse Mucha exhibition.

I've been out for Tracey's birthday drinks with the girls and discovered a fab new wine bar in Norwich.

I've joined a new craft group and met with them in a draughty old church hall on a day that it snowed!  (And next time I'm taking a cushion as the chairs are incredibly uncomfortable - but the coffee and cake was most welcome!)

Finn's had a posh new haircut.

Love this photo!

Tidy paws!

I've had a posh new haircut (no photos!), attended a 50th birthday party (again, no photos!) and taken part in a fab History Mystery Game at Norwich's Guild Hall, which left us head scratching, running around like headless chickens, but letting out the most almighty cheer when we beat the clock by three minutes!

Finn and I have had lots of walks - only over our local park - but he's been loving the frost and snow as he gets to roll in the dewy icy grass - I think it must be very refreshing for him.

I've been out with friends, I've had friends over for tea and Andy's been up for a weekend.  It's all been a bit chaotic but great fun.  I'm hoping that 2016 carries on in the same vein.

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