Monday 18 January 2016

Market Day

Normally when travelling back from a holiday, I usually feel a bit flat, wondering about the next time I'll be getting away.  However, I didn't have time for that after Cornwall - Finn and I drove back on the Friday, I spent Friday night unpacking one load of holiday clothes to do the washing, and then packing another (smaller) bag with weekend non-dog related clothes for a weekend in London with Andy.  Phew!  On the Saturday morning, I said goodbye to Finn who was having a weekend with his Nan and Grandad!  And headed for the train station to get myself down to the big smoke.  It was bitterly cold so I was wearing a LOT of clothes that day!  

Andy was working for part of the weekend, so had booked us rooms in the Ibis hotel on the Whitechapel Road, which is a ten minute walk from Liverpool Street Station - so handy.   He met me at the hotel for check in but had to get back to work - I spent a leisurely couple of hours reading, getting ready to go out and watching Strictly.  I'm so rock'n'roll!  

Andy didn't have to work on the Sunday though and so we had a fab day wandering around the markets of East London - Petticoat Lane, Spitalfields and Brick Lane.  It was loads of fun and I loved it!

I took Andy to the fabric shop on Petticoat Lane which is the cut through from station to hotel - every time I'm down, I stand outside and gawp in at all the gorgeous materials. I think they were a bit lary for Andy though, so I'm still not sure I'll ever be making a purchase or, indeed, a dress from these.

Next stop was Spitalfields where Andy bought me a new hat .....

I really needed it as it was so cold.  Tres chic, oui?!  (Andy said that, although I could get away with wearing it in London where anything goes, I might look a bit of a knob wearing it back in Norwich.  Charming!)  This photo was taken in a very nice pub in Shoreditch, where, sadly, I hadn't spotted the big rumtopf of hot mulled wine on the bar before putting in my order of a white wine.  

And talking of cold, Andy bought a coat too, but tried on at least one other!

This is the Belstaff which he tried on - the one he actually purchased was a very smart Barbour.  He's such a country gent!

Beer bottle top man.

After another saunter, I made amends with mulled wine in another hostelry in Brick Lane.

I could quite cheerfully have sat here all afternoon, but it was soon time to wander up and down the length of Brick Lane again.

We bought some glasses in the market to have our prosecco back at the hotel room - we didn't fancy using the plastic tooth mugs again!

The day went really quickly, and we soon headed back to the hotel to try and warm up and get ready to go to Tayyabs for dinner.

Such a lovely day - really enjoyed just mooching without aim - must try harder to do more of that!

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