Tuesday 7 June 2016

Blakeney, Books and Plants

On a beautiful day at the end of April, Mum and I went to Morston Book and Plant Fair for a spot of retail therapy.  Goodness me, it didn't take long!  Within five minutes of arriving, we'd bought half a dozen plants and the same number of books!  In fact, I was back at the car within fifteen minutes with our first lot of purchases so that we didn't have to carry them round with us!
We headed inside the barn to check out the books - all the reference and factual books were in the inside barn, while all the fiction was in a covered area outside.
The organisers had set up a rota of busy baking ladies, so we found ourselves a table outside for a cuppa and sausage roll and cheese scone each - yum! - and piled up our books by our table, while sauntering off into the fiction section every now and then to top this pile up.  Between us, I think we had a couple of dozen books in the end which should keep us going for a little while!
This really made me laugh - I bought this mesembryanthemum as soon as we arrived when the flowers were all closed up.  Obviously, the heat through the car window and the sunshine had made all the flowers open by the time we got back to the car with our second lot of books - glorious!

The weather was so beautiful and we weren't in any particular rush to get home so we decided to take advantage of the day and headed round the coast to Blakeney for a mooch.
This mobile home has been turned into a fab little craft rooms situated in the beach car park - what a great idea!
We are so lucky to have these beautiful villages on our doorstep and were really lucky with the weather also.  I do love our little jaunts out and about to explore!

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