Sunday 26 June 2016


Finn and I are just back from a trip to the Bath Road Piscatorial Society's lake down in Stanwell Moor, which sounds terribly grand, but is just the lake half a mile from Andy's caravan!  In the end, we only spent one night undercover of a tent, with the other two nights in Andy's caravan, which I'm very glad about because the weather was awful.  (I've had this week off from work and it's been a total washout - just horrible.)
To be fair, it didn't rain much while we were camping until day 2 - so we just stayed in the bivvy anyway - but it certainly didn't feel like June weather.  My cardi, fleece and coat were on and off all day as I really couldn't get acclimatised to the all-over-the-place temperatures.
Don't know what the boys are looking at, but it's keeping them very engrossed!
We had some excitement at 5.15 am on the Wednesday, when the buzzers sent us scurrying for rod (Andy) and net (me), although the net and I weren't needed immediately as the line had got caught on a tree, which necessitated Andy having a very refreshing (for that time of the morning!) wade in his undies to try and release it.
There he goes!
And here he is coming back!  (What a sunrise!)
This did make me chuckle, so I wasn't very helpful - I was too intent on taking photographs!
Here is Andy with his fifteen pound common carp - the source of all our entertainment.

A very good couple of days - I got plenty of crochet done and we had a barbecue too - so the weather didn't spoil anything at all.

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