Thursday 2 June 2016

Odds and Sods - May 2016

It's scary how quickly this year is rushing past.  May has come and gone and it's been no less busy than the previous months.  Finn and I are both well - the vet is very happy with Finn as he's lost four kilos in weight since this time last year.  We've still got a little way to go, but it's going in the right direction.  We have been doing lots of walking though and of course it's salad season too!   Although I wish the weather knew - it's blinking freezing at the moment and we've had torrential rain and thunderstorms this week.  I don't really want salad, I want stews and casseroles and comfort food! The beginning of May was beautiful though so it hasn't all been bad.

The family have met up for yet another sad occasion - at the beginning of May we said goodbye to Auntie Joyce, a very sad day for all of us.

Andy has been up to stay for a weekend and we had our first barbecue of the year.
And Finn and I have also been down to Heathrow to stay at the Caravan of Love for a couple of days. 
Love this photo of my boys having a Saturday afternoon snooze together!

I have a new car and I love it!  It has been likened to a post van, but I really don't care - it's fab and perfect for me and Finn.  Love it!

Mum, Dad and I have been to a plant fair - to be covered in a separate post.  And of course my whole life revolves around Finn ...

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