Friday 4 August 2017

Llangrannog and New Quay

The day we went to Llangrannog and New Quay was a strange one.  The night before, I'd managed to fall down a five foot drop and crack my head open on a concrete block, and ended up in A&E for stitches to a head injury.  At the time, I didn't realise how badly I'd damaged my leg, but that had become apparent overnight and the next morning when I could barely move!  As Amanda is insured on my car, it was up to her to ferry us about and I became passenger for the day.  We drove to Llangrannog and parked a little way up from the harbour and walked/ hobbled down!
We sat for ages watching a school party rush up and down the beach, according to which way the tide was going - it was funny to hear all the squealing and screaming and laughing.  Amanda and Sid fancied a walk up the cliff to the statue that we could see, and I said I'd sit with Finn while they went.  However, Finn, being Finn, decided he wanted to follow Sid and ran off up the road to find them - stupidly, I'd taken him off the lead so he could have a run on the beach.  So of course I had to then follow to make sure he was safe.  Luckily, I was dosed up to my eyeballs with ibuprofen and paracetamol and probably walked far more than I should have.  Hey ho.  The views were stunning though, so I'm glad I did it!
I love this garden - look at that decking halfway up the hill!  They must have amazing views - I can imagine sitting with a glass of wine watching the sunset.  Heaven!
Back down at the beach, the school kids had all gone, so it was time to have a proper walk/ run/ swim, depending on our preference!

Heading back towards the car - it was cold, wet and my leg was hurting! - we passed the waterfall and community gardens, where many slate plaques have been placed, including one to Sir Edward Elgar who stayed here and was so inspired to compose some of his music here.

Back at the car, we consulted the map to see what we could get up to, especially given the fact it was now raining!  As it was about lunchtime, we thought we'd find a seaside place that might have a gluten free fish and chip shop - success at New Quay!  We found a good car parking space overlooking the beach so we would have had a nice view had it not been raining so heavily and obscuring the windscreen!
The fish and chips were excellent and the boys enjoyed their sausages too!

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